Post-it Notes covering the windows of the Apple Store retail location in Palo Alto. The scene is similar in every major city on the anniversary of Mr. Jobs’ death.
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Sen. Taylor Robinson is interviewed about Mr. Jobs’ tragic death.
Cupertino, CA (HLN) - Steve Jobs’ former psychiatrist is writing a tell-all book about his late patient that is bound to cause some controversy. Mr. Jobs died October 5th, 2011 at the age of 56.
Dr. Paul E. Flechsig, Mr. Jobs’ long-time psychotherapist, is completing an unauthorized biography of Mr. Jobs and it is anything but flattering.
Apple expressed disappointment but according to California law, doctor-patient confidentiality does not survive the patient. Details emerge of a man obsessed with power and influence. A man of towering ambition for whom no detail was too small and no decision beyond scrutiny. But even more controversial will be Mr. Jobs’ obsession with being deified.
Although Dr. Flechsig declined to comment for this story, Headlined News has learned that Mr. Jobs wanted nothing more than to make Apple, the company he started in the 70s, a genuine religion with himself its patron saint.
The material obtained never mentioned the term "God" specifically but the notes did contain comparisons to the late L. Ron Hubbard, the science fiction author and founder of the contentious Church of Scientology. Mr. Jobs told Dr. Flechsig that he would dedicate his vast fortune to making Apple a full-blown-religion and unite its growing user base.
"People just need to feel welcome, like they belong." Mr. Jobs had said. "They will pay a fortune for the feel of family. Apple can give them that and then pass around the collection plate. Maybe we’ll even score like the sci-fi freaks and get a tax exemption!" he had added.
Considering how far he had come in charging more for less for things that were once commoditized, Mr. Jobs’ sentiments do not seem misplaced. L. Ron Hubbard once quipped that to make a real fortune one must start a religion. Mr. Jobs did exactly that, and in leaving behind a personal one of over $8 billion, significantly better than Mr. Hubbard.
A colleague of Dr. Flechsing, who asked not to be named, said that the aging psychotherapist seemed shocked at the extent of Mr. Jobs’ low opinion of his customers and wanted the world to know the truth.
The colleague, himself an Apple devotee, added: "Let us hope that unlike the Church of Scientology, which rules through fear and persecution, The Church of Steven Paul Jobs uses its pulpit for better things. It isn’t the worst idea that a man who beautified the world deserves beatification himself." He finally offered words of parting: "Goodbye Saint Steven Paul. Long live read only memory."